PT-80 Delay

Posted on August 17th, 2006

This is my PT-80 delay the information for this build can be found on

I used acid graphics as tutorial for etching, this was my first ever etch and worked well, one tip place the box (or PCB board) onto a hard surface instead of a soft ironing board.

The PCB after etching (tip: nail polish remover seems to work great for removing pcb paper and pens).

The PCB after etching (tip: nail polish remover seems to work great for removing pcb paper and pens).

The enclosure side masked with spray paint

The enclosure side masked with spray paint

Full mask, using press'n'peel PCB paper and black enamel paint touch up.

Full mask, using press’n’peel PCB paper and black enamel paint touch up (TIP: ironing PCB paper seems to work best if the box or board is placed on a hard surface, some scrap wood is ideal).

Etching the enclosure

Etching the enclosure

After the etchant was washed off

After the etchant was washed off

The final pedal

The final pedal

Inside the final pedal

Inside the final pedal

This is a short video I made of the PT-80 delay being used, it gives an idea of the sound capable of this pedal.